TechSoup: Information Technology Solutions for Nonprofits
Are you part of a nonprofit organization looking to cut expenses on software, hardware, and other information technology services? If so, then TechSoup may be a solution for you.
What is TechSoup?
TechSoup is a nonprofit company that first began in 1987 as CompuMentor, which provided services to nonprofits and schools. Their mission is to connect nonprofits around the world to technology and resources so that they can become more successful in completing their own missions. In their first 15 years, they partnered with Microsoft and launched their website to reach more nonprofits. Today, they have provided resources to over 1 million organizations.
TechSoup works with donor partners to create a technology program for nonprofit organizations, libraries, and foundations. This program is not just limited to the United States but is also offered around the world. Some of the services provided by TechSoup include discounted technology subscriptions, IT maintenance and Help Desk services, access to nonprofit consultants, and various tech-related training classes. They also offer a variety of refurbished hardware including, but not limited to, computers, servers, networking gear, and office equipment.
To qualify for TechSoup, an organization must be a nonprofit or civil society organization. They must have a 501(c)(3) status or be a public library registered with the Institute of Museum and Library Services. If an organization meets those requirements, they can complete an application to join TechSoup.
Once an organization is signed up for TechSoup, they have access to their tech marketplace, where they are eligible to purchase discounted software subscriptions and computer equipment, as well as connect with tech support and business consultants. A variety of other services are also available, such as website services, digital marketing, and a digital assessment tool.
QuickBooks Online and TechSoup
One of the accounting related discounted software programs available through TechSoup is QuickBooks Online (QBO). If an organization needs an accounting solution, QBO is a great option.
If an organization already uses QBO, they can still sign up for a subscription through TechSoup. One important thing to know is that the QBO subscription through TechSoup is applied to a new account rather than to an existing file. Information from the original QBO file will need to be transferred to the new file. The best way to do this is to upgrade both files to the Advanced subscription levels and then transfer the data. It is essential that the new QBO file is left blank before the transfer occurs.
To transfer the data from the original QBO file, export all reports and lists, and then import them into the new TechSoup QBO file. There are helpful resources from QuickBooks Support that detail the necessary steps and provide guidelines for the import process. If QuickBooks is contacted for assistance during this process, it is important that one informs QuickBooks that they have a TechSoup subscription. There are also apps and other migration tools available for purchase to assist with the data transfer.
For specific questions, assistance, or additional information, please contact Matt Burns and/or Becky Lauffer. If you would like to talk to one of our professionals on any other business-related topic, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our Advisory and Business Consulting team.
About the Author
Rebecca joined McKonly & Asbury in 2021 and is currently a Supervisor in the firm’s Outsourced Accounting Segment.