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SOC 1 Examinations – Wilmington (DE)

SOC 1 Audits – Wilmington (DE)

Delaware SOC 1 Examinations

Silhouette of the State of DelawareWilmington and Delaware business owners need to ensure sensitive data is protected, especially when it comes to financial and identification information (i.e. social security numbers) of customers.  Ensuring there are robust internal controls and cybersecurity policies and practices in place to protect against a breach is essential. In fact, many customers may expect to see a Service Organization Control (SOC) Audit report before doing business with a service provider. This audit verifies that the tools, processes, and procedures have been tested and are effective. Some may desire a SOC 1 audit, while others will obtain more value from a SOC 2 audit or SOC 3 audit. Whatever the desired level of assurance, it’s important to work with an experienced provider to drive the process.

Wilmington SOC Audits

McKonly & Asbury provides SOC audits to companies in Wilmington and Delaware. Typically, we work with those that use or store sensitive financial and other data that cybercriminals may want. Some examples include data center companies, loan servicing companies, medical claims processors, and payroll companies. Broadly, any service organization that provides services to customers that directly impact the customer’s financial statements would be a candidate for such a report. Service organizations should evaluate their needs along with their customers’ reporting needs prior to determining the type of SOC report that is applicable to their needs. There are two types of SOC 1 audit, including:

  • SOC 1 Type I – These reports are defined as a report on the fairness of the presentation of management’s description of a service organization’s system and the suitability of the design of controls to meet the related control objectives. SOC 1 Type I examinations focus on the service organization’s system narrative, as well as the design effectiveness of the controls within the system, and are focused on the system and controls in place at a specific point in time.
  • SOC 1 Type II – These reports are defined as a report on the fairness of the presentation of management’s description of a service organization’s system and the suitability of the design and operating effectiveness of controls to achieve the related control objectives.  SOC 1 Type II examinations differ from the Type I examination since the reports include an opinion on the operating effectiveness of the controls, in addition to the design effectiveness covered in Type I.

Industry Involvement

Map of Wilmington (DE) – 19801

About the Wilmington (DE) Business Community

Seal of the City of Wilmington DE LogoWilmington, Delaware, has a diverse and evolving business community. Historically, it was a significant industrial and chemical-producing center, with companies like E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (DuPont) playing a pivotal role in its economic development. Over time, Wilmington has transformed into a national financial hub, particularly for the credit card industry, due to favorable regulations such as the Financial Center Development Act of 1981. This legislation attracted major credit card issuers like Barclays Bank of Delaware and Capital One 360 to establish their headquarters in the city. In addition to finance, Wilmington’s economy is bolstered by industries such as insurance, with companies like American Life Insurance Company (ALICO) and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Delaware; retail banking, including institutions like Wilmington Trust and PNC Bank; and legal services, with the city serving as the corporate domicile for a significant portion of publicly traded companies in the United States. The area code used in Wilmington (DE) is 302.

Contact Us

McKonly & Asbury provides SOC 1 Audit services remotely to businesses in Delaware from our Pennsylvania office locations. Interested in learning more about the SOC 1 audit services offered to companies in Wilmington and across Delaware? Complete the form below and we will follow up with you shortly.

National Reach

McKonly & Asbury also provides SOC 1 Examinations for businesses and organizations at the following locations: Baltimore (MD), Boston (MA), Chicago (IL), Dallas (TX), Denver (CO), Indianapolis (IN), Las Vegas (NV), Los Angeles (CA), Memphis (TN), Miami (FL), New Orleans (LA), Portland (OR), Richmond (VA), Salt Lake City (UT), and Seattle (WA).