WEBINAR: Employee Benefit Plans Industry Update
Thursday, January 30th, 2025
In this webinar, Danielle Guinter, Partner and Director of ERISA Services, Shalane Cohen, Director, and Renee Lieux, Attorney at McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC, will provide finance and human resources professionals an accounting and legal update, as it relates to employee benefit plans. Recent ERISA court cases and the takeaways for Plan Sponsors will also be reviewed during this session.
Attendees of this McKonly & Asbury Webinar will gain insight on the following:
- An accounting and audit update regarding employee benefit plans
- A legal update regarding employee benefit plans
- Lessons learned from recent ERISA Court Cases
Thursday, January 30 at 2 PM EST
This free, one-hour webinar will take place on Thursday, January 30 at 2:00 p.m. EDT. One “Specialized Knowledge and Applications” CPE credit is available for this webinar. The level for this webinar is basic and no prerequisites are required. This program is a live webinar which offers the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the presenters.