Tax Cut and Jobs Act: What You Need to Know
McKonly & Asbury’s last webinar of the year was entitled “Tax Cut and Jobs Act: What You Need to Know” and took place on Thursday, December 20, 2018.
This webinar provided attendees with all of the information they need to know in order to understand and implement the changes made by the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, signed into law in December of 2017. McKonly & Asbury presenters, Mark Heath – Partner, and Charlie Eisenhart – Manager, covered corporate tax reform including rate changes, new depreciation rules, and limitations on deductions; flow-through tax reform with a special focus on the new 199A deduction; as well as the changes affecting individuals, including new rate brackets and limits on itemized deductions.
During this webinar, attendees :
- Understood the new tax rules affecting 2018.
- Gained an understanding of how they can implement the new rules.
- Identified planning opportunities to minimize tax liabilities.
This free, one hour-long webinar took place on Thursday, December 20th at 2:00 p.m. EST. One “Tax” CPE credit was available for this webinar. The level for this CPE was intermediate and there were no prerequisites for this CPE. This program was a live webinar which offered attendees the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the presenters.
If you have any questions regarding the material covered in this webinar, please contact us.