Tax Credit Opportunities for Historic Building Rehabilitations
This webinar entitled “Tax Credit Opportunities for Historic Building Rehabilitations” was originally produced on Thursday, May 17, 2018.
The webinar was hosted by McKonly & Asbury Senior Tax Manager, Mike Eby and Senior Audit Manager, Dan Kern, along with special guest, Bonnie Mark, Principal at Delta Development Group, Inc.
The presentation provided an overview of the Federal and Pennsylvania historic preservation tax credit programs for income-producing properties. Specific discussions included: 1) requirements that need to be met for a project to be eligible for the programs, 2) the application process, 3) accounting and cost certifications, 4) tax benefits of participating in the programs, 5) and recent changes to the Federal program due to Tax Reform.
Throughout the presentation, the hosts drew from case study examples of local and national projects that they have participated in over the years. Developers, contractors, investors, and even businesses outside the real estate industry found that there may be opportunities for them to participate in the incentives of these programs.
During this webinar, attendees learned:
- A general understanding of the qualifications for a project’s eligibility for the Federal and/or Pennsylvania historic rehabilitation credit programs.
- An understanding of the steps required to participate in the program, including key dates and financial thresholds.
- An understanding of the tax benefits of the program, as well as important tax matters to consider before moving forward with a project.
- Direction on where to go from here if an attendee has a potentially qualifying project.
This free, one hour-long webinar took place on Thursday, May 17th at 2:00 p.m. EST. One “Tax” CPE credit was available for this one hour-long webinar. The level for this CPE was intermediate and there were no prerequisites for this CPE. This program was a live webinar which offered attendees the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the presenters.
If you have any questions regarding the material covered in this webinar, or to request the additional handouts referenced in the presentation, please contact us.