Preparing to Sell? Topics and Tips for a Successful Transition
This webinar was geared to those in the process of business transition. Whether looking to sell your business, transition your business to a future generation or expand your business through acquisition, this webinar focused on key concepts from a financial and tax structure that all business owners should consider in advance of any business related transition. The webinar will focus on matters of:
- Preliminary planning and preparation for transition
- Understanding business value
- Tax consequences and tax structuring matters
- Pitfalls to avoid and be aware of
- Other unintended consequences
During this webinar, attendees gained:
- Valuable insight into the transaction process from start to finish
- A more in-depth understanding of how value is determined in a business and what ultimately creates value.
- An understanding of the different types of tax structures and models that could be available to those either buying or selling their business.
- A general business understanding of the impacts of transitional issues.