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M&L Compliance Management Training Part 3: HOTMA – How it Affects Specific Section 8 Programs

Friday, November 10th, 2023

McKonly & Asbury’s affiliate company M&L Compliance Management is providing an online training seminar focused on HOTMA – How it Affects Specific Section 8 Programs on November 10 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.


The Housing Opportunities Through Modernization Act (HOTMA) of 2016 required the largest revision of HUD regulations in decades. The final rule was officially published on February 14, 2023, which brought changes to multiple areas, including standards for income determination. In this virtual training we will explore several of the complex provisions in the HOTMA final rule and focus on how they affect Section 8 programs (Section 8 PBRA, Section 202/811 PRAC, 202/8, 202/162 PAC, SPRAC, and Section 811 PRA) and the date when these provisions must be implemented.


Registration Fee: $89

Cancellation Policy: No refunds will be given for cancellations received within two weeks of the date of the course or for registrants who fail to attend. A $50.00 administrative fee will be charged for all cancellations.

MLCM reserves the right to cancel the Workshop for lack of registrations. If this should occur, a full refund will be made. However, MLCM is not responsible for any related costs. MLCM will inform registrants of this decision at least ten days before the course begins.

Location: Online (link will be provided at a later date)

Contact: If you have any questions, please contact M & L Compliance Management, LLC at 717-972-5711 or email Bette Newcomer at

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