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Affordable Housing Webinar: Placed In Service Package Review

Tuesday, June 9th, 2020

In this webinar, Elizabeth Harriger (Partner & Director of Affordable Housing Services) and Josh Bantz (Senior Manager) with McKonly & Asbury reviewed the placed in service requirements per the PHFA checklist and discussed each item needed.

You can download a copy of the slides presented by clicking here. If you are interested in reviewing the Placed-In-Service Package attachment that we reference, you can do so here. Also, during the webinar, our team discussed a document that PHFA has been updating regarding changes and updates related to COVID-19. Question #59 at this link addresses the Placed-In-Service Package:

This one hour-long webinar took place on Tuesday, June 9th at 2:00 p.m. EST. One “Specialized Knowledge” CPE credit was available for this webinar. The level for this CPE was intermediate and there were no prerequisites for attending. This program was a live webinar which offered the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the presenters.

If you have any questions regarding the material covered in this webinar, please contact us.

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